Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Craving a make over?

I haven't done makeup on anyone besides myself for quite some time and I've been missing it. 

 This is the work of Kim Baker.  & the inspiration for my next project.  Any of you photographers out there interested in avant garde makeup for an upcoming shoot?  You know where to find me (wink, wink).


  1. I love it! That blog header is awe.some!
    found this spot while out surfing and thought you might be interested:


    Obviously, its a blog, but I think her etsy store is better and there is a post a ways down from the top about a photographer - Abugayle, but I didn't have time to search if she had a blog, but her photos are way cool.

  2. And, I changed my blog address to:


    sorry, it will mess up your link...
